Go Printing Software
Keywords: Software
Here are a few options if you want to print Go diagrams from a game record.
- GoWrite
- The print option in CGoban produces images or pdf-files,. Drawback: but skips moves in previously occupied spots.
- Gobase has an online function available: sgf2misc here. For very pretty high resolution diagrams (and correct ko notation) select postscript output. For printing .ps files on windows, you can use ghostscript and gsview, both freely downloadable here. An older version of sgf2misc is also available for download, but it's not easy to set up on windows.
- In Smart Go turn on 'Number All Moves' and 'Show Diagram Caption'. It produces diagrams and includes under the stones moves in the caption. Additionally, you can set up search criteria and export diagrams for each result to EPS or PDF. Example: http://www.smartgo.com/Shusaku.pdf
- Games-Go-Sgf2Dg
- Latest beta of MultiGo gives printouts too. Drawback: it's only for Windows.
- Drago
- Go Printer