Go popular classics
Much-loved plays from popular culture.
The 1812 Overplay (Chaikovskij)
Invade far too deeply, run away and lose almost everything.
The Snapback of 'Not-a Dame'
With apologies to Victor Hugo.
The Beck Tenuki
I'm a loser baby - why don't you kill me?
The Kylie Minogue Random Tsumego Solver
I should be so lucky, lucky, lucky ...
Like a Rolling Stone
Bob Dylan improves on sliding them.
Thickness from Pink Floyd
The Wall.
The Man Who Shot Liberty Balance
Losing your seki made easy.
The Manchurian Candidate
Bill Spight, of course.
Get Carter
Sorry, I'll read that again - Get Kata.
Rin no Tintin (manga)
Boy reporter combines careers of first Belgian 9 dan and Alsatian dog ... (enough of this surely)
The Weakest Link
Be cut apart in a very public way. Goodbye.
And of course
The Monty Python Spanish Inquisition Tesuji
Completely unexpected.
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
The Mr. Creosote over extension: Don't be greedy or your position will explode.
Monty Python's The Life of Brian
"Always look on the bright side of life..."
The Baldrick post-game analysis
Am I wrong or are the words I had a cunning plan. heading into this post-game analysis with ill deserved confidence ?
The game without clock against the slowest player in the club
Wake me up, before you go-go. No more Wham!
Fifth game in the tournament, and we're still in the running for the money
When the going gets tough, the tough get going
The James Osterberg approach
Cf. his vocal (he's better known as Iggy Pop) for Death in Vegas' Aisha, easily misconstruable as advice for any budding student of joseki:
Taisha, we've only just met, and I think you oughta know, I'm a murderer ...