Keywords: Software
Go81 is a Palm OS program which plays the game of Go on a small board. It uses Chinese rules with a 5.5 point komi.
May 3rd 2005 Jared: I just played it on KGS and I killed all of its stones. I think it needs to play more defensive moves. It seems like it is trying to start capturing races, or something, but they don't work.
Grauniad: it seems slightly stronger than AIGO on a 9x9 board.
Gerhard: I can beat it on 9x9 and get 81 points and I am only 25k. It is just not making eyes. On 13x13 I can beat it without thinking. It just plays a lot in its own territory. Only useful option is the human-human playing style if you don't have a go-board available.