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My name is Justin Johnson. I play on KGS and I am a member of the Kalamazoo Go club.

AGA rating 2.2 kyu, KGS 2-4 dan

Here are a list of Go Teachers that have helped me out a lot.

Meng Fan Xiong professional 2 dan

Seokbin Cho (bin7674) KGS 9 dan

Alexandre Dinerchtein (breakfast) pro 3 dan

Li Ang (lyonweiqi) pro 3 dan

Jennie Shen (Jennie) pro 2 dan

I have my own room on KGS ("Newkid72s? Study Group" under "social") I used to teach there but i'm taking a break from teaching and focusing on geting stronger myself.


1st: Kalamazoo Go tournament Spring 2007 2 wins 2 losses, 2nd: New York Open october 2008 0 wins 3 losses :(, 3rd: Jin Chen Memorial 2009: 0 wins and 4 losses :(

I seem to get nervous in every tournament I play in, so i start to play bad under the stress of losing. I took a break off Go for a while since i was also losing many games online as well. Now I am back and more relaxed when i play.

genissage last edited by Genissage on January 26, 2012 - 16:15
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