Doke Akira

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Doke Akira (道家 昂) was a Japanese professional player (born 1934-03-05, died 2003-04-18), affiliated to the Chubu section of the Nihon Ki-in, pupil of Isogawa Masao 8 dan. Promoted to 1 dan in 1956, 2 dan in 1966, 3 dan in 1967, retired in 2004, March and was promoted 4 dan. After his death, Doke was promoted to 5 dan.

Nihon Kiin [ext] profile ( DrStraw: Am I the only one who thought "Barney Fife" when I saw that picture? )

John F. Seems like very, very bad practice to use Douke as the main entry. By all means include a cross-reference, but to start following idiosyncratic usages for main references would mean unravelling thousands of references in Sensei's Library, the British Library, the US Congress Library and millions of other standard usages.

tchan001 If you can persuade the Nihon Kiin to change the English name for this person in their profile, by all means use the version you think is correct. Personally I prefer to follow the official version.

Doke Akira last edited by tapir on April 5, 2015 - 18:19
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