Deep Tuna
PageType: HomePage
Hey there!
I'm DeepTuna (you might've seen me on KGS, I'm currently 2 kyu) I'm 15 years old and from Holland, Michigan.
I've been playing go since Feb. 2006, and yes, I WAS inspired by Hikaru no Go, but mostly due to the fact that I wanted to pwn those GO GO IGO kids' faces.
If you see me online, feel free to chat with me, and perhaps we can play a game as well.
My friends on KGS include:
TheClam Hikarujr Hikaruusa HotLobster? MrShintou Principe (He has lots of names, but this is the one I remember)
(Inside note) Briannowe, if you happen to find this page, get on the Kage =<