Describe cornershapes/discussion here.
The following shape is a shape commonly appearing in real games as a result of (mid-game) josekis
Now it is my belief (I think I "heard say") that the status of this shape is ko. Who can help validate it? If we figured it out, lets promote it to the main page.
In my game I wound up in this variation (I was black). Is this the best result? It is ko, but white has many internal threats. I guess there is a better way.
And Black gets an approach ko, as he still needs a move at a
The marked stones are not required to create this ko, but I don't know if they open extra options.
The usual way to get this shape is from this joseki, I think: 4-4 6-3 Enclosure, 3-4 Contact#toc6
ThorAvaTahr: Thanks Herman, I believe you are right that should be the normal sequence. Now I wonder how to deal with . This sequence leads to direct ko, white takes first. Is there a better way?