Chris Hayashida: This is a test page to try and illustrate a point. I'd appreciate comments in the Discussion
Which position is better for Black?
Chris Hayashida: I want the answer to be diagram 2. The idea is that Black would have another move somewhere else on the board, and it would be worth more than the marked black move in the diagram 1. The problem is that I don't know for sure whether or not that analysis holds up. If it does, I think it would be a good way to illustrate efficiency.
Bill: I take it that Diagram 1 has a typo. Otherwise it is better for Black, as Black has one more stone. ;-) (Please delete if diagram is corrected.)
Harleqin: I take it that the question is "is this a good move for black?" and my answer is "no". Black clearly should play 3-3 in the corner, flushing out the weak white group. If black first played the marked move, then that was a bad move. He should have pincered the white stones directly because after driving the white group into the corner his position does not need the marked stone any more.