BillSpightsElfPositionalJudgmentExercises/Game 17 ELf's Solution

Honinbo final, game 2, 1995-05-24a. Kato Masao (W) vs. Cho Chikun

After B37 Elf estimates White's winrate as 90½% with 56.6k playouts.

White won by resignation.

White is ahead  

Elf's mainline continuation

Elf's mainline  

Kato played the two step hane. The rest is Elf's variation. B41 plays a hanging connection to secure the Black group. Then W40 takes kikashi against the bottom right corner, then W42 makes a trumpet connection. Black takes kikashi against that and then invades the top left corner.

Elf's mainline, continued  

W52 eliminates the aji of the black+circle stone. B53 prevents the extension on the top side with sente, then B55 secures the corner and creates an open skirt for White. W56 makes a three space high extension from White's wall. No point in a low extension because of the open skirt.

Black has taken all four corners, but Elf judges White's outside strength to be commanding.

Earlier in the game.


Through W10 was a popular fuseki, with the probe, W10, regarded as an improvement. However, Elf thinks that W10 is a minor error, losing 7% to par. Elf prefers Wa - Bb, Wc. The bots do like the solid connection at a. :)

Three in a row  

Elf thinks Black made three mistakes in a row. B13 lost 7% to par, B15 lost 11½%, and B17 lost 15½%. All that to capture one stone! After B19 Elf gives Black a 20% chance to win the game (60.1k playouts).

Elf's variation for B13  

B13 extends on the second line, avoiding White's kikashi there. W14 and W16 play kikashi against the corner, then W18 returns to the bottom right corner with the solid connection.

Elf's mainline variation for B15  

B15 makes the solid connection, again preventing the White atari there. W16 - W20 penetrate the Black corner. B21 makes a kind of two space extension, and the White wall is still insecure. W22 pushes along the fourth line, B23 blocks, and then W24 hanes.

Elf's mainline variation for B15, continued  

B35 at a, W36 at b

B25 extends on the fourth line, W26 pushes, and B27 block again. W28 protects against the cut, and B29 stands. W30 cuts, and the fight is on.

Elf's mainline variation for B17  

B17 captures the white+circle stone, also preventing the atari at a. After the probe and crosscut, preventing the White atari at a becomes a prime objective for Black. The Black shape with five stones surrounding the eye formed by capturing the single White stone appears in textbooks as a good way for White to sacrifice that stone. Elf really doesn't seem to like that shape.

W18 penetrates the corner, cutting off the black+circle stone. B19 gets the cut in the bottom right. That is a rare treat, as the bots love the solid connection so much. W20 and W22 push along the fourth line, building a wall, then W24 extends on the top side. B25 takes the double keima, and then W26 protects White's incipient territorial moyo.

Back to the game.

Big moves  

The solid connection, W20, is big. So is W22 capturing the black+circle stone in a ladder. B21, although joseki, is a mistake, according to Elf, losing 10% to par. Black should save the black+circle stone.

Saving Private black+circle  

Elf recommends B21, not only saving the black+circle stone but threatening the white+circle stones as well. W22 - W28 play the tenuki joseki in the bottom right.

Back to the game.

After W22 Elf gives Black a 10½% chance of winning (24.3k playouts). White makes a few minor errors in the bottom left corner, but maintains the 90% lead after Black blunders.

Ladder breaker  

B23 is a ladder breaker. W24 parries it, but Elf thinks that 27 is 7½% better. W28 extends on the fifth line, offering the corner for outside strength. Elf regards the solid connection at 29 to be 5% better.


Elf regards W34 as a minor error, losing 7% to the a. But B35 is a blunder, giving up 18% to par. Even though Black can threaten to break out with sente, what he gains in the corner is not worth the outside strength that White gets in exchange, according to Elf. Elf says that W42 should take gote and make the ladder with b. The two space extension in the actual game loses 13% to par, a blunder when White's winrate is aroundd 90%.

Elf's judgement of the play in the top right corner is particularly instructive, as White's sacrifice comes right out of the textbooks.

BillSpightsElfPositionalJudgmentExercises/Game 17 ELf's Solution last edited by xela on December 7, 2019 - 04:10
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