Be Fair When Comparing Moves
rubilia: When reading PassingInGlobalAnalyses, I got aware of another "emphasising technique" which can unnecessarily confuse at least some sort of pupil. I stumble across it quite often.
It goes: When showing several alternative sequences, the deprecated by the teacher ones look even worse when ending with an opponent's move, while the proposed move sequence looks fine, ending with an own.
Supposedly, this technique facilitates the teacher's attempt to make the pupil agree, but is that really helpful? I guess, quite a bit of patience is needed to resist temptations like this.
bud1027 hahaha,,,rubilia,,,you are talking about me!!! Anyway, Um,,,,your saying may be right, I mean this -> "I guess, quite a bit of patience is needed to resist temptations like this."
rubilia Well, don't feel guilty, I am not talking about you, particularly. :) To me, that "trick" appears as rather commonly used.
joelr I view this as more of a convention than a trick, and can see lots of reasons for it. I certainly use it in my private analysis of game trees as a shorthand for remembering who the variation is good for.
It develops out of "This variation is good for Black. I'm going to play it out until the key move, after which it will be obvious that White has no local moves to improve the situation." As an extreme case, consider a semeai.