Alternate Bid Go
In all forms of Bid Go, players bid for the right to move. This is an alternate form of Bid Go.
The Start: At the start of play, players choose colours. Black has no advantage, and there is no komi, except as a handicap. Any handicap stones are placed on the board. Each player receives a mutually-agreeable number of tokens. (Since this number will be approximately 1000, monopoly money, or any system with multiple values of tokens, will be helpful.)
The Play: Black picks a position on the board. Both players bid a non-negative number of tokens simultaneously for the position. If both players give the same number of tokens, then no move is made. (This is the equivalent of a pass.) Otherwise, the winning bid loses the number of tokens she bid, and she makes the move. Then White picks a position on the board, and the game continues.
Ko and suicide: There are no ko restrictions or suicide restrictions in this game. Because there are a finite number of tokens, the game cannot continue indefinitely.
Stopping play: When one player runs out of tokens, she loses. Also, the game ends when Black's move results in a pass, then White's move results in a pass. Use whichever normal scoring method that both players agree to.