With the emphasis on speed, begun in the New Fuseki era and brought about by the introduction of komi, is it still true that allowing the opponent to make two enclosures is bad?
There are some professional games where two enclosures were made by one player. Gobase yields six games where White plays a sanrensei against two enclosures. The results are equal.
I think many amateurs automatically play kakari in order not to allow two enclosures. Me for example: I discovered this while analysing my own ideas on Go theory. It is a proverb I followed subconsciously.
I still feel happy when allowed to make two enclosures. Feeling happy can help to play well, but being overly confident in an equal position is a mistake.
For example, this version of the enclosure opening has occurred a number of times between top players.
Obviously Black's corners are bigger than White's. But White has komi.
Dave Sigaty: Pieter Mioch touches on this in Gentle Joseki part 8 and again in part 9. It begins about one third of the way through the article in part 8.