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Hi. I'm Alex.

AIM: AlexYoshi ICQ: 3866475 Email: Alexander _AT_ RIT _dot_ edu

I'm a high kyu player who could use some common sense.

Regardless, I love working with people and the joy of learning. I only started playing Go in the last nine months or so, but I grow slowly and have a hard time remembering all the things I hear.

Mentally, I lack a photographic memory, but everything in my life is a series of 1/2 second to 5 second video clips. I can't really explain it better than that.

As far as my insanities go, I'm pretty convinced I'm not human. At least, I hope I'm not permanently. :-)

My Hikaru no Go hero is Hikaru. Although, if I were to say I was most like a character from the series, it would probably be his Grandpa.

Hmmmm? You are still here? Okay, well, I believe that my ultimate fate is to be forgotten. I travel throughout the dailylight of this world, but what is left behind is only a shadow of my existence. Not destined for fame or power, my only legacy is that of having influenced the world through my day to day interactions with the people I meet. No history book shall ever record my name, no person shall lie awake late at night wondering who I was. Regardless, everyone shall be affected by the choices I make in my life. It is with this belief that I can march forward each day, alone in my path, striving to do my best whenever I can.

Still, I do fail, so regardless of the scars left behind in my fall, if you see me please help me back up.

My Go Problem:


AlexanderYoshi last edited by on June 6, 2004 - 06:37
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