5-5 point josekis
Index to pseudo-joseki presented here:
- From professional play:
- a: pseudo-joseki 1
- b: pseudo-joseki 2, 3
- c: pseudo-joseki 4, 5
- From Josekipedia:
- d: pseudo-joseki 6, White can choose a peaceful or a fighting variant.
Andre Engels: Not much joseki is known for the 5-5 point, not only because it is played rarely, but also because common wisdom seems to be that a 5-5 point is better left alone than approached in most cases. Here are some variations that have been played by professionals more than once, and thus might be considered proto-joseki.
Actually just once this sequence, but I wanted it in because earlier moves in the sequence have been played more than once.
Shouldn't white 11 be at "b"? ~srn347
Chris Barnes, 2kyu? Back in the '90s, there was a rec.games.go newsgroup discussion that recommended a 3-3 invasion under the 5-5 stone. Has this move been seen in professional play?
- Patrick Traill: I do not know about professional play, butJosekipedia as of 2018-03-06 gives this, with a peaceful variant at a and a fighting variant at b as below. The comment on 3-3 is "Usually this invasion point is the best, because it makes Miai of the extensions
and x (6-3 points)." attributed to Alexandre Dinerchtein(3p - Korean-Style Insei League 13.11.2010).
AI analysis
Analyzing a whole board, where all other corners have the star point occupied in a diagonal fuseki, LeelaZero prefers entering at one of the 3-4 points then Black will play elswhere? after .