4-4 point low approach one-space low pincer, upper contact, extend
This is a sub-page of 4-4 point low approach one-space low pincer, upper contact
is Black's other option in this position. No real josekis have been created yet for this position. Following are some game examples.
is a natural move. This game was played between Cho Chikun (Black) and Yoda Norimoto in the 1999 Meijin title match.
After and , we get a position equivalent to tsukehiki followed by a solid connection. See tsukehiki for some possible follow-ups. Of course there are other options for .
I will show this variation without comment. I do not know who played it, nor what comment was given, and I feel not capable of making it myself.
Charles Matthews Up to here follows a game Iwata Tatsuaki-Cho Chikun played 1992-07-02, in a context where Black had considerable strength in the upper right. But the continuation was different after that.