Forum for Drago

Drago - Freeware / Open source [#756]

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reply Drago - Freeware / Open source (2006-11-19 02:29) [#2425]

I wonder, why do you make your program free to use, but not open source? Are you principally against that?

And why is it that other people "may not modify it" even if it's not redistributed?

I'd like to say: Drago is an excellent program and I've been thoroughly enjoying it. I'm asking out of nothing but curiosity.

GillesArcas: ((no subject)) (2006-11-20 01:21) [#2429]

you make your program free to use

I like Go, I like programming, I have a full time job, and I have no needs neither hope to make money with that. Enough reasons to make it freeware!

but not open source? Are you principally against that?

Sure not. Actually, I have made the effort to write all comments, strings, idents in English (I'm French). And I plan to share the source one of these days when it will be stabilized.

And why is it that other people "may not modify it" even if it's not redistributed?

:-) I copied the notice somewhere and I have never been especially satisfied and especially with this sentence. Any suggestion?

I'd like to say: Drago is an excellent program


reply ((no subject)) (2007-07-06 11:14) [#3520]

There is one thing that annoy me. You use the libkombilo which is under GPL so you must put your software under a compatible licence and so open source it. libkombilo is not under LGPL which have an exception for linking, but under under pure GPL which doesn't allow non-open source software to link.

But the kombilo author doesn't seems to be annoyed by this cause he talk about drago on his website. Do you have any special arangement with him ?

GillesArcas: ((no subject)) (2007-07-06 23:11) [#3521]

To avoid any ambiguity, I guess it could be possible to add somewhere that Drago uses libkombilo with the agreement of Ulrich Goertz, the author of libkombilo and Kombilo.

reply ((no subject)) (2009-01-25 06:08) [#5752]

And I plan to share the source one of these days when it will be stabilized.

This was more than two years ago.

reply ((no subject)) (2011-05-21 11:41) [#8469]

Gilles, any comment on this?

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