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Emotions and Controlling them [#736]

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GoTraining: Emotions and Controlling them (2006-11-12 00:42) [#2376]

When people play go, they always focus on style, stratagy, skill, etc. As many of you know, emotions play a major part in the result of your game. To play a well blaanced emotional game, you must be calm. Achieving calmness before a game and during games are topics lightly discussed.

When I play go, I don't like playing on the internet. My reason is because I can't control my emotions. I always mess up my thinking with my chaotic emotions. During games, I close my eyes and take deep breaths, but my body constantly shakes inside and outside. I can never calm down before or during a game so I have two questions open for discussion.

1. How can you walk into a game with an emotion of pure calmness?

2. In the game, if you reach an unbalance in calmness, how do you calm down?

reply ((no subject)) (2006-11-13 15:10) [#2394]

Charles For my most serious games, I found the answers were: no coffee at all; sip water.

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