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Pocket Gnu Go interruption and continuation [#519]

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LawrieHodges: Pocket Gnu Go interruption and continuation (2006-07-09 00:14) [#1842]

I have a Dell Axim X51v and have been running Go Suite on it for a month or two. The configuration allows one to play against Pocket Gnu Go. In principle, one can stop and save a game then later reload and continue. However, I find that I can only do this successfully if I am playing White. If I play as Black, as my current low grading makes appropriate, the computer, on attempting to continue the game, wants to continue as black itself. If I tap the Yin/Yang icon which switches over, the computer begins thinking and thinks forever. My guess is that this is a Go Suite problem rather than a Pocket Gnu Go bug.

reply ((no subject)) (2006-07-08 23:31) [#1846]

AshleyF: Hummm... yes, I'd agree that it's a bug that the computer will continue as black when the game was originally set up with the computer playing white. I should make it look at the player names (see which one's "GnuGo") or add a property to indicate which color(s) the computer should play.

As a workaround, just manually choose File > Computer > Color > Black/White before resuming the game. It will obey this...

BTW, the yin-yang icon is actually not for switching colors. It asks GnuGo to score the position (which may take a very long time if the position is nowhere near the end of the game).

Hope that's helpful to you...

LawrieHodges: Re: ((no subject)) (2006-07-09 12:50) [#1851]

As a workaround, just ....

Thanks. That's great.

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