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Side pattern abbreviations [#3343]

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seberle: Side pattern abbreviations (2016-12-23 09:43) [#10870]

On TheLowChineseFiles page, discussion is organized around codes like "HS" and "pK+S". There is a note: '(see SidePatterns for the meaning of the abbreviations "HS", etc.)'. But if you go to the SidePatterns page, it too starts using the abbreviations halfway down the page, but there is no explanation. Can someone explain what these abbreviations mean?

I see these codes are used on some other pages as well, again without explanation. How can we restore the explanation to these pages so that I and future visitors to these pages aren't lost? Thanks.

tapir: Re: Side pattern abbreviations (2016-12-23 09:56) [#10871]

No one finished reworking these pages. Best practice would be kicking the codes out altogether. Their origin seems to be Japanese terms for corner moves. H = hoshi = 4-4, S = sansan = 3-3, K = komoku = 3-4 with added qualifiers such as p = parallel.

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