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Request: get rid of the 10 move limitation [#3030]

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Dieter: Request: get rid of the 10 move limitation (2014-06-11 10:14) [#10144]

(Dieter: copied to this page, as an enhancement)

There is a ten-move limitation on diagrams. Unfortunately, this may be inadequate for some pages. How do we get rid of it? Bootmii

tapir: At the moment only by making more than one diagram.

tapir: Re: Request: get rid of the 10 move limitation (2014-06-11 11:27) [#10146]

This probably requires an alternative way for input apart from the simple ASCII boards.

Timm: ((no subject)) (2014-06-11 13:30) [#10150]

I had given this a look and the issue is that in the code that generates the diagrams, a board position is internally coded as vectors of strings, so that each intersection is represented by one character. Thus it is not possible to allow double- (or triple-) digit moves in the current setup.

It'd be nice to answer this request but it will imply significant changes to the code, with all the risks of bugs and backward incompatibility it implies.

It surely is doable though. ;)

Dieter: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-06-11 14:31) [#10151]

Thanks Tim

  1. How did you investigate the code?
  2. Arno has always said he would offer the source code to anyone interested in helping out and add features. Maybe give him a call :)
Timm: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-06-11 17:28) [#10154]

Actually the piece of code generating diagrams is readily available, separately from GoWiki. See the GoWiki page !

Superdave: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-06-11 22:23) [#10155]

Could it not be changed to use single characters other than digits for moves past 9? For example capital D-L (the longest sequence I could find that isn't used for anything else). It would take getting used to, but then you'd have 19 moves, more if you came up with a sequence of punctuation marks or other letters.

Timm: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-06-12 14:17) [#10159]

Yes it would be more or less possible to make it possible to number moves up to, e.g. 30. But it would definitely be a very dirty fix because many upper case letters are already used, so I tend to agree with Bob. That solution can be considered though, if nobody has time for a proper one.

reply ((no subject)) (2014-06-11 22:44) [#10156]

Bob McGuigan: If it is to be changed I suggest it would be best to make it unlimited so that it would be possible to put an entire game on one or two diagrams. Just extending the number of moves to, say, thirty or so would still require six or seven diagrams to show a complete game.

As a technical question, how do go books and magazines manage to be able to have so many moves in a single diagram?

tapir: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-06-11 23:07) [#10157]

without inspecting any code:

the main problem will be the input. sl uses simple (easily accessible) ascii diagrams (rgg style I assume). you need either a completely different way overall or an alternative way (in parallel) to produce diagrams. even if you completely change how this is processed internally, this will remain a problem. it isn't as if sl is drowning in editors, but if adding go diagrams becomes a complicated process, it won't work anymore.

Timm: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-06-12 01:33) [#10158]

I do not think this is a problem. Using spaces as a separator, diagrams without double-digit moves would be the same. (Actually, spaces are currently ignored so some diagrams in the wiki may exist which do not use them : that's a possible backward compatibility issue.)

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