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Looking for a term for "promoting ko" [#2692]

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tapir: Looking for a term for "promoting ko" (2011-12-08 18:34) [#8948]

Is there a term for those moves that enlarge a ko, instead of resolving it in general?

Is there a technical term for approach moves (aside from "approach move", obviously) that covers their effect of "heating up" the local temperature?

Similar question applies for ko threat amplification / promoting a ko threat.

Getting the terms right, will help understanding.

MrTenuki: Re: Looking for a term for "promoting ko" (2011-12-08 21:42) [#8949]

The ko preparation page might be a good start... Re: Looking for a term for "promoting ko" (2011-12-09 00:07) [#8953]

Bill: "Is there a term for those moves that enlarge a ko, instead of resolving it in general?"

How about enlarging the ko? :)

velobici: other suggestions (2011-12-08 22:15) [#8950]

There is Ko threat amplification. Another possibility might be intensify the ko?, magnify the ko?, intensify the threat?, magnify the threat?. The idea being that the preparation move, makes the actual ko threat more severe.

RobertJasiek: ((no subject)) (2011-12-08 22:31) [#8951]

Usual phrases in literature are boring: make the ko bigger, make the ko threat / kodate / ko aji bigger, create more ko threats (possibly: before starting the ko).

tapir: ((no subject)) (2011-12-08 22:50) [#8952]

unkx80 wrote here on SL once about "promoting a threat" (on ko preparation).

van Zeijst has an example were he talks about "raising the stakes" but that is a poker metaphor.

If one decides to go for CGT inspired temperature metaphors, "heating up" etc. comes to mind.

amplification sounds so technical dry.

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