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What should be our next project? [#2586]

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Sebastian: What should be our next project? (2011-06-17 21:04) [#8610]

This is a spin off from the previous discussion. What would be a good project to work on now? So far, I'm aware of the following:

  1. Reorganize joseki pages (That was something we worked on together years ago, but we never finished it, and finally Tapir proposed to unwind it, and did so. I wasn't active at SL then, and now regret having missed that announcement, since I would have raised a voice for finishing that project. Tapir, now that I'm back and willing to put some time into this, can I rekindle your interest?
  2. Icons for difficulty scale (So far liked by 2 people: Sebastian &
  3. ranks & ratings path I'm not voting for this, but I'd help out if it gets chosen by the majority.
tapir: ((no subject)) (2011-06-19 12:40) [#8614]

Just to correct a misunderstanding. Reorganizing joseki pages is something still needed etc. the "unwinding" post referred exclusively to Systematic Joseki, which wasn't the kind of reorganizing people had in mind when discussing rearranging the joseki pages in 2009, 2010 and 2011. In fact, Systematic Joseki was practically dead for years at that point and sort of a bad example.

Among the pages changed are:

Other than 3-3 point josekis, where the redesign added content, the 3-4 point josekis page includes many variations, my first take at a redesign limited this to a depth of one move, which for all nice thumbnail diagrams gave a distinct feel of "Systematic Joseki" experience. The current main page is sort of compromise, original and redesign attempt are both available as subpage. If you're eager to work on this, ideas for the 3-4 joseki tree are desperately wanted.

P.S. Please notice: What to expect from joseki pages at SL

Sebastian: joseki project (2011-06-23 08:13) [#8618]

Thank you for your comprehensive reply and the links. I am suddenly more busy again these days, but I think when I'll have more time again, I will look at the 3-4 joseki pages, as you suggested.

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