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bottom 250 forward/backward in pages by distance [#2483]

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willemien: bottom 250 forward/backward in pages by distance (2011-01-15 17:45) [#8242]

Can there be a list of all forward backward pages with only 1 link?

(It looks like the pages are alphabetic and they are only going to B and F respectivly)

(or mabe make some pages starting with a-z oid)

then we can do some linking Some pages deserve only one link but they are now almost all that are mentioned.

ArnoHollosi: Re: bottom 250 forward/backward in pages by distance (2011-01-15 19:22) [#8243]

I've just updated SL statistics:

6793 pages have only one outgoing link, 11349 pages have only one link pointing to that page. So the lists would be rather long. If you just browse randomly, you are sure to hit upon those pages.

willemien: Re: bottom 250 forward/backward in pages by distance (2011-01-16 15:36) [#8246]

Thanks but are not many of the pages with only one outgoing link alias es? and the high nmuber of pages without incomming link were are they comming from they are not all orphans? ?

I agree there is a problem with long lists (I get problems when viewing undefined pages)

Thanks for all your work

ArnoHollosi: incoming/outgoing & orphans (2011-01-16 16:38) [#8247]

There are 2609 aliases. So there are 4184 pages with one outgoing link that are not aliases.

About zero incoming: as I've noted on SL statistics, of the 1536 pages with zero incoming links:

  • 542 are aliases: they are there for searching, but noone uses them for links
  • 347 are homepages: they are auto-linked through HomePages (automatic links were not used for this count)
  • 633 are subpages: most of them may be orphans, because apparently many rely on links in the sidebar. Generated links from TOC+subpages, or e.g. links generated by templates (like e.g. the ProblemTemplate) were not counted. But even if they were, most subpages would still be orphans in the strict sense.
  • 14 pages are (real) orphans remain - I've added them to WikiOrphans now.
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