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Contributions highlighted in green... [#2041]

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fwiffo: Contributions highlighted in green... (2009-11-16 18:22) [#6564]

RecentChanges used to highlight pages that you've contributed to in green, then it stopped doing it, then it started doing it again, now it's stopped doing it again. What's the deal with that?

HermanHiddema: Re: Contributions highlighted in green... (2009-11-17 00:02) [#6571]

See How To Read RecentChanges#toc7 (section on highlighting):

"Pages which you have edited recently are highlighted green" (my emphasis). I don't know what counts as "recently" exactly, but it is probably the reason for the behavior you're seeing.

If you want to have pages highlighted permanently, put them on your watchlist (in the menu, under "Personal -> My Watchlist".

fwiffo: Re: Contributions highlighted in green... (2009-11-17 03:27) [#6573]

It seems I somehow missed the "recently" part. That makes sense.

PeterHB: Re: Contributions highlighted in green... (2009-11-17 03:07) [#6572]

To me it does work consistently, as long as you carefully observe which particular 'recent changes' you are looking at, and learn to play with the 'Menu | Personal | Preferences | Recentchanges settings | HI: tick boxes'

Green: [ext]
Green: [ext]
Colourless: [ext]

Then select all the 'HI' tick boxes, and re-test. You will find you always get green highlighting. Then play with preferences to suit your taste.

Dieter: ((no subject)) (2009-11-16 19:29) [#6565]

log in, log out, log in?

Unkx80: ((no subject)) (2009-11-16 21:09) [#6566]

See 2009-10-25 entry of wiki news?

fwiffo: Re: ((no subject)) (2009-11-16 23:24) [#6569]

No, it's not that... Maybe I misunderstand what the green means, cause now I'm seeing it on some entries again. What are the conditions which make them green?

fractic: Re: ((no subject)) (2009-11-16 23:31) [#6570]

Maybe it has been too long since your last edit?

ArnoHollosi: Re: conditions (2009-11-17 17:33) [#6581]

The conditions for something to be green are:

  • the page must have been edited by you.
  • your own edit must show up in your particular view of RecentChanges.

Maybe your problem lies with the second condition. The reason is that the RC code does not look up your edits first and then marks RC entries accordingly. Instead it only looks for your edits in the listed RC entries themselves.

Thus if you have a RC view, where none of your own edits are visible, no green markers.

(Actually, it is a little bit more complicated than that, because different RC filters get applied at different stages. So sometimes it can happen that your own edit isn't visible, but green markers appear anyway. That happens when the marker logic is executed before the filter logic. But the general rule of the two conditions above is a good guideline.)

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