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Goban covers [#1937]

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reply Goban covers (2009-08-12 14:24) [#6306]

Years ago, when Samarkand was still supplying Go equipment, they used to sell a goban cover that was, in effect, a large glass/perspex cube with one side removed. I've been looking for one for a while now to no avail, and although I've e-mailed Samarkand a couple of times, they haven't got back to me. Does anyone know where I can get hold of one of these? too many houseguests have had to be dissuaded (often violently) from treating my beloved goban as a coffee table...

X Re: Goban covers (2009-08-12 14:58) [#6308]

Plexiglass is fairly easy to work with and not very expensive. A skillful carpenter could cut the pieces and glue them together. A visually more elegant solution would be to use plate glass, much more expensive and harder to work. However craftspeople who could do the job shouldn't be too hard to find.

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