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Upon uploading SGF-Files [#1884]

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reply Upon uploading SGF-Files (2009-07-08 17:21) [#6195]

(moved from other page) -- Dieter

Ufotds: I am surprised that there is a page on senseis library on Go Seigen for example, but not a page with a list of games by Go, downloadable in SGF format.

ArnoHollosi: we have SGF files of the diagrams themselves. I'm not in favour of allowing arbitrary SGF files (not connected to diagrams) - this would deter from the discussion on the pages - I'd like to keep wiki as simple as possible. But far more important: you can bet that these SGF files would be constantly broken. As maintainer of the GTL I see every day how buggy SGF editors are, especially if they are dealing with variations.

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