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Joseki on SL and the new search function [#1799]

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tapir: Joseki on SL and the new search function (2009-04-23 18:17) [#5962]

The new search function in combination with the whole content of Sensei's Library is a very mighty tool. (Even mightier if one could restrict search to a certain type of pages - say according to keywords or other search functions.)

We may now think (and this is just one out all the new possibilities) about a completely different presentation of joseki.

  • SL has no / is no / and most probably will never be a game database - with a game database it would have basically the slow-motion functionality of most go study software now (with regard to joseki that is extracting joseki sequences from games)
  • the whole unsustainable (million page requiring) systematic joseki approach looks obsolete now and can be easily substituted by mindlessly adding a thousand joseki lines in combination with the search function


Though, before starting with mindlessly adding joseki lines (and becoming 2 stones weaker) I want to ask for feedback.

Cheers Tapir

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