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some library work due to the recent additions [#10921]

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Dieter: some library work due to the recent additions (2021-08-04 23:02) [#11753]

Hi guys

The following pages have been added without reference from any of the lists. It's tedious to fix that so I can use some help

Unreachable: Chang Hyeoryeong Unreachable: Choi Kyeongho Unreachable: Choi Wongyong Unreachable: Cho Seunga Unreachable: Cho Seungah Unreachable: Cho Wankyu Unreachable: Dong Yutang Unreachable: Fuji Koki Unreachable: Gao Fang Unreachable: Gon Jiwu Unreachable: Go Seigen Cup Or Wu Qingyuan Cup Discussion Unreachable: Han Wujin Unreachable: Hara Masakuzu Unreachable: Heisei Panda Match Unreachable: Hu Yauyu Unreachable: Hyun Yubin Unreachable: Ing Pad Unreachable: IRyo Unreachable: Iwasaki Haruto Unreachable: Jen Yongsu Unreachable: Jeong Yeonwoo Unreachable: Jin Siyeung Unreachable: Jong Hunhyun Unreachable: Ju Hyeongwuk Unreachable: Jun Minjung Unreachable: Kang Wuhyuk Unreachable: Kim Changhun Unreachable: Kim Cheayoung Unreachable: Kim Eunseun Unreachable: Kim Hyenchan Unreachable: Kim Jimyeong Unreachable: Kim Kibum Unreachable: Kim Kyeongwan Unreachable: Kim Kyeungeun Unreachable: Kim Myeunghun Unreachable: Kim Sangcheon Unreachable: Kim Seongi Unreachable: Kim Yeongkwang Unreachable: Korean Romanisation Discussion Unreachable: Kwak Wonkeun Unreachable: Kwon Juri Unreachable: Lin Boyu Unreachable: Lin Yuting Unreachable: Liu Chuangtin Unreachable: Lyu Liyan Unreachable: Madagascar Go Association Unreachable: Nishiyama Suzuka Unreachable: OByeongwoo Unreachable: Osuke Seira Unreachable: Park Byeongkyu Unreachable: Park Dongju Unreachable: Park Geunho Unreachable: Park Hyunsu Unreachable: Park Junhun Unreachable: Park Junsuk Unreachable: Park Yeonglong Unreachable: Pros Born In The 1990s Unreachable: Pros Born In The 2000s Unreachable: Ryu Changju Unreachable: Sakamota Yasuo Unreachable: SAlexander Unreachable: Seki Kotaro Unreachable: Seol Hyunjun Unreachable: Speedrunning Chomego Unreachable: Through The Years Long Correspondence Unreachable: Tsuji Shigeshito Unreachable: Wang Shou Unreachable: Wang Shuo B Unreachable: Wang Yinlingshui Unreachable: Watanabe Kouki Unreachable: Wu Baiyi Unreachable: Yi Changseok Unreachable: Yi Chungyu Unreachable: Yi Hoseong Unreachable: Yi Hyeunjun Unreachable: Yi Taye Unreachable: You Byungyong Unreachable: Yun Hyuk Unreachable: Zeng Pinjie Unreachable: Zeng Yuanhai Unreachable: Zhao Wenhua

reply I can do this after I finish the Chinese 5ps (2021-08-04 23:25) [#11754]

bugcat: Dieter, my intention was always to clear up my additions after finishing adding all the professionals on the list of Chinese professionals.

I only need to complete the 5 dans and then I hope to go back and improve the articles I made, including tagging them into the People category.

bugcat: ((no subject)) (2021-08-04 23:29) [#11755]

bugcat: On reflection, as soon as the 5ps are done I'll immediately do a People-tagging run, before adding pictures or anything. I added those articles when I was "human crawling" through Go4Go. I'm not sure why they're not referenced by the relevant pro lists.

X Re: ((no subject)) (2021-08-05 08:58) [#11758]


bugcat: ((no subject)) (2021-08-04 23:31) [#11756]

As for Pros Born in the 1990s? and Pros Born in the 2000s?, I'd rather those be deleted, actually, since I can't see them being developed from stubs any time soon.

bugcat: ((no subject)) (2021-08-05 18:42) [#11762]

I will now take care of this library work.

bugcat: ((no subject)) (2021-08-05 18:47) [#11763]

Oh, I thought you just meant category tagging.

If you mean actually referencing to lists, I'd rather leave it for now as that's more of a real task.

The way I see it, if someone is interested in a professional, they'll just search for him. I don't see users browsing a list and clicking on random names.

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