Upper Valley Go Club/ Pro Game Shape Study

Sub-page of UpperValleyGoClub


Designed for low sdk's and ddk's, this is a group that will meet once a week on Saturday Evening ( US time ). What time exactly is yet to be determined.

Each week some game will be chosen. A dan/sdk leads the group in the discussions. The group does not focus on the standard topics. Instead the group will focus on questions which will focus on a particular perspective.

Many, if not most, people get confused over some combinatorial ( ie reading ) aspect. For example at some point one looks at a dragon, and believes White can insure connection with one move. OTOH it looks like Black has a good possibility of cutting off White. The dragon is 20 stones ( worth at least 40 points captured ). There is no other way to connect or live, yet neither person has decided to fonnect or cut. Why?

The most common answer is that there is some tesuji or sequence which makes it impossible to cut. Yet it is unknown to the person.

The purpose of the group is to study games woth the emphasis of learning such tesuji, sequences and shape that occur in pro games. In particular those which are not likely to appear in books in non-Asian countries, where the learning material is not likely to explain the particular tesuji, shape or sequence.

Leaders: (If you wish to be a leader place your name here.)

Jwaytogo/lanke/meijing Jing
GeorgeW Yiyu

Upper Valley Go Club/ Pro Game Shape Study last edited by ThaddeusOlczyk on August 21, 2006 - 23:49
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