Undefined Pages/ Discussion

Sub-page of UndefinedPages

(Sebastian:) Since there is a significant difference between People pages and homepages, could someone pls create a category for the latter? Other categories I'm missing:

  • Shapes (or is this part of problems?)
  • General Go Terms
  • Humor (I just classified PhrasesInUselessLanguages as "Do Not Create", but maybe inspires someone?)

Charles Err ... the Home Page/People page distinction depending on whether it is self-created or not - how do we distinguish these for undefined pages?

(Sebastian:) Look at the linking page. In many cases, it is obvious. If someone e.g. writes a contribution with his name then it's a homepage. If someone describes a famous go player, it's a person.

Charles Think it might be better to start a list of 'requests' for biographical pages, for pros and strong amateurs. As far as I know, not many undefined pages are created from that category; which serves mainly to sort things.

Velobici: Sensei's Library has keywords for shape, go term, humor as well as homepage. Do these not meet the need?

Undefined Pages/ Discussion last edited by velobici on September 19, 2005 - 17:00
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