Theoligests Go Poem

    Keywords: Culture & History


Go By: Theoligest (KGS)

Bare your soul to me and show me all the wisdom with each move.
A battle of wits, a sword dance that delicately hangs in the balance of each decision.
All out war! Strength in numbers! Weakness borders, must recover.
Intensity, a power struggle emotions held captive by two fingers.
Read what you can but you will not defeat me.
This is a parallel universe with endless possibilities where it takes a master to spot a fool and charlatans can act as sensei.
I pledge allegiance to my soldiers and protect them at all cost but they will not hesitate to die for the greater good.
Cutting , connecting, jumping, extending, fighting, defending, fuseki, ending, tesuji, tenuki, bamboo joint and ponuki.
Eat my dumpling and or give me ko, monkey jump and destroy my home.
It takes to eyes to see you see how to invade and make a fool of me.
Glass and wood black and white, another long move by a shining knight.
Joseki makes you weak but makes you think of what others do so in the end it strengthens you.
The corner’s big but you lost the side and your stone in the center has nowhere to hide.
Remember you training, hours of problems, elementary forgotten shows victory waning.
You think your brave with you little peep into to my walls but I’ll take your life as I build mighty halls.
From which my soldiers march into your base and territory I will erase.
And as I grow so will you every game shows what’s true.
Who is stronger, who is great, who is wise enough to win this debate.
The board can bring honor to a noble mind or shame you for misreading you will find.
The clock is ticking but stay collected and don’t spread yourself thin or the flaw will be detected.
When the stones are laid and all is said we’ll take care of all that’s dead.
And count our points of liberation and that within, whoever’s got more is gets the win.
So take your time and count the steps before you move there’s no going back you only get one chance to prove.
What your worth and who you are and lazy student or a rising star.
Such pride is prized when gained two eyes, and destroying hope when you opponents future is realized.
Because you can be the best if you take it slow, study hard and begin to know.
And try to feel when the stone wants to be, you and the board sycronizing in harmony.
So see the beauty shell and slate laid on wood that reveals your fate.
Others watch and don’t understand all the drama crated by your hand.
You hatch a plan but are caught off guard, and made a ladder to recover will be hard.
Seki brings peace but a sour taste, and a tiger’s mouth found its place.
A cranes nest is bad like empty triangles, gotta look at the board from many angles.
Dan my goal, kyu my existence, fighting hard against resistance.
Baduk, wei-chi, and the way of go, kiseido is the place to play no matter what you call go.
Taking turns, spirits burn, rengo bring something new every turn.
Test yourself and against the pros and become a name that everyone knows.
A champion with beneath the skin born without the skill but will gain all you need to win again.
Intimidate and bring the fear confidence is essential you if wanna play here.
Insei study not to play but to live a life to understand the magic way.
It’s called an art, it’s called a game, but it to some it is a way to fame.
It can make you rich or keep you poor, take a student and grow even more.
Two passes. the end.
Win or lose, thank you,
let’s play again.

willemien: I added line breaks to the poem, I cannot guarantee they are on the right place.

Theoligests Go Poem last edited by willemien on January 16, 2011 - 20:12
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