The Psychology Of Komi


BobMcGuigan: What is the psychological effect of receiving or giving komi and can it be evaluated in any meaningful way? I noticed on discarded joseki an example of a pattern played by white that was abandoned as too slow in the no-komi era but is occasionally being played now, as komi is increasing. Are there other examples of this type, either for White or Black? For example, how does Black's play differ now from 100 years ago in fuseki patterns that occurred both then and now?

Charles Matthews It's a good topic. I don't feel inclined to speculate without some good timelines relating to the most common joseki. I believe the longest unbroken history for a fuseki pattern is for the regulation fuseki - never really out of fashion, though for a while Black arranged the second 3-4 point as a 4-3 point (possibly just for the sake of variety).

The Psychology Of Komi last edited by CharlesMatthews on May 21, 2003 - 17:01
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