
Sub-page of TheArtOf9x9Go

Accompanying materials of The Art of 9x9 Go:



If you don't want to win, you will win, as you will play proper moves for both attack and defend. When you don't want to win, you will be fearless. Fearless is a key element of success. This game illustrates this proverb.


I was White, and played a new orthodox opening at 2-2 point, W2. It is clearly not effective but new and challenges Black in dealing with uncommon situation.


Don't help the weak stone like white+circle as if it were to live. Instead, White should leave it there, to post a potential risk to Black.


W4 gives Black two choices of local play: to link at a or to block at b.


white+square also improves the situation of white+circle, from being hard to live to being easy to live, as white+square is serving as a base for attacking the cutting stone of White (if any).


The White group is now too big to let it die. White needs to expand the base to ensure the safety of this group. Two choices exit: a and b, neither of which has a clear more advantage than the other.


The white group is now strong enough to survive. To be effective, the next

move of White should invade the vast free land on the top, and should not

play locally, as it will be too late to go there.


W10 is a good choice. It can jump to left or right, depending on Black's way of attack.


B11 attacked the strong group of White, which is a bad move. white+circle has a

potential future as it can extend to the free space.


B13 is another bad move because it helped White to fix his shape at a.Never help the enemy to fix his shape.


B15 attack white+circle, and it's time for White to jump rightward, in order to camp.


B17 is not a good idea. There are two supporting armies that can help W16 attack B17. B17 is already on bad situation without any White's movement. White should see the true purpose of B17. Black might want to link B17 and the big black group. Hence, White should remove the potential connection by blocking B17 and the big group. In dan-level games, moves that you think irrational are usually rational.


B19 wants to cut white+circle, and White doesn't want that to happen.


White will hane at a, to attack both black armies at once.


Black fixed his shape with B27 and can link at a. White must prevent the link.


B29 can kill white+cross at a, which White can certainly prevent it. The actual purpose of B29 is to widen the base so that this big black group will be able to live.


B31 is bigger than a if Black can continue his attack at b. Now, it's clear that the lower white group can live, but the upper group is still uncertain; White needs to answer at b, to make sure this big group will be alive.

TheArtOf9x9Go/yokoyama111 last edited by on November 5, 2016 - 01:20
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