Tesuji From Amateur Games 5 / Attempts


Vincent: After W1, black must prevent the connection with B2.

W3 and B4 are forced and W5 makes life.

Harleqin: What happens if White plays W1 directly at W5?

Vincent: Good point. Black must play a.(Since this gives black one less capture, it is actually better than my first suggestion.)


Vincent: If black saves his two stones with B2, white can continue the sequence with W3 and things are even worse for black.


unkx80: What about this?

HermanHiddema: This is the refutation of the attempts posted earlier.

Vincent: Hmph! You're right. (And I thought I was so clever).


HermanHiddema: The tesuji seems to be to play 2-2, here's one possible diagram (11 at a), but there are many complicated variations and I haven't checked them all. The basic trick is to make an eye in the corner somehow (or capture some stones if black wants to prevent it).

unkx80: I see no solution. Maybe I am wrong...

Game sequence, but...  

What happens when B6 is played?


To HermanHiddema: How to answer B4 and B6?


White to play  

Reuven White should live in the corner!

Velobici: Those two moves are the first two of the games sequence. I'll let players stronger than me, say what the solution is.

Reuven - In the game sequence, W3 is played at b to which as somebody commented here earlier, Black should reply at 3, removing any hope for an eye in the corner. White playing at 3 right away, instead, allows life for the small group in the corner. Black gets to cut off the rest but is unable to play at the 2-1 (See the solution)...

Tesuji From Amateur Games 5 / Attempts last edited by Reuven on January 27, 2006 - 21:57
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