Tderz/ Random Stuff

Sub-page of Tderz


Comments on Teaching

gohu (11/20/08 9:57 AM): Ever since you taught me, I have won a lot games. Thank you so much!

John Tromp (NL 2d, programmer) on difference between Territory & Area Scoring:

Dutch 2 dan. Formerly idle king on NNGS. Connects from work so usually cannot play. Thinks wms is one awesome programmer!

Go Rules in Haskell: [ext]

About scoring methods:

(In what follows, assume that the only passes are the two final ones.)

Area scoring counts empty surrounded + own stones not captured. Territory scoring counts empty surrounded - own stones captured.

Obviously, the difference between these methods equals the difference in number of stones played. That's why, in non-handicap games, the two methods give equal results when white moved last, and 1 more for area when black moved last.

On odd-sized boards, with no sekis, the area score is necessarily odd. E.g. black wins 43-38, or by 5pts, on 9x9. With a komi of 5.5, white would win by 0.5. With territory scoring, white wins by either 0.5 or 1.5. With a komi of 3.5, the winner is black under either method. That's why, with komi 0.5 more than an odd number, it takes a seki to have a different winner under the two scoring methods.

Bas Vet (Go Club Delft) on Doping
(...) 19.07.09 Het is zeer interessant om deze levendige discussie te volgen. Echter, soms krijg ik het gevoel dat er wat venijn in de discussie komt, ik hoop dat beide kanten van de discussie met respect voor elkaar blijven debateren.

Ik zou verder graag mijn mening even kort willen formuleren:

  • 1) Uit principe ben ik voor een anti-doping beleid. Het is noodzakelijk dat eerlijke concurentie wordt gewaarborgd.
  • 2) Gezien er op dit moment geen indicatie is dat er middelen worden gebruikt die prestatiebevorderend werken, is er geen noodzaak om over te gaan tot handhaving in de vorm van controles.

Voor zover ik weet is dit in lijn met het huidige dopingbeleid. (...)

  • 'Victory means nothing; the fight is everything.' -Ryu

  • What's the point of working every day if you only get paid twice a month?

Tderz/ Random Stuff last edited by tderz on August 22, 2009 - 00:15
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