Shape Problem 1 / Solution

Sub-page of ShapeProblem1
Peep, atari, capture  

Alex Weldon: I believe this is correct. White wants to capture black+circle to save her three stones, but to play W5 immediately is poor style. The proverb is play kikashi before living, and this is the purpose of W1 and W3. Either of them, if ignored by Black, would allow White to rescue her stones, while still having some intrinsic value if answered. Black is then essentially forced (at least from the local standpoint) to connect at B2 and B4. Then White comes back to play W5.

Order of moves is very important. If White played W3 before W1, W1 would no longer be forcing, because B4 also defends against W1; Black could resist kikashi?. Also, as I said, White must play kikashi before living. After W5, the three White stones have already been saved, so it is less pressing for Black to answer the kikashi. If White lived with W5 first, and then later tried to play W1 or W3, there's a chance Black might just ignore the move, if plays elsewhere on the board are larger.

But if B4 defends against W1 as well, why doesn't black just play it instead of B2, to avoid double-kikashi?

Agilis: I'm just around 19k but perhaps it can go something like this? A trade, but who's better off?

Poke and trade?  

Bill: After W5, White is better off. Black has been cut into two weak groups.

Shape Problem 1 / Solution last edited by velobici on July 23, 2006 - 04:46
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