
Sub-page of Sgf2dg

maruseru: At some point I realized that I'd like to enter analyses in an SGF editor but would like to read them in a Wiki style, namely, here. The results can be seen in the subpages of my page.

To generate these subpages, I've used sgf2dg, and written my own [ext] plugin so diagrams can be output in Sensei's Library format. The perl module (Games::Go::Dg2SL) comes with documentation, so it should be easy to use.

First install Games-Go-Sgf2Dg (maybe using the CPAN shell), then either copy the module into the proper perl module directory, or put it into a directory named lib/Games/Go/, then set (using bash syntax):

 export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/path/to/lib

All you need to do then is to create your SGF files and then run

 sgf2dg -converter SL -m 10 -n foo.sgf

This will create Just copy-and-paste the contents of this file into the SL page's textarea.

It'd be best to avoid marked stones and marked intersections because sgf2dg doesn't print them too well (or maybe it does and I've made a mistake with the SL converter). And remember that SL diagrams don't support labelled stones.

I've sent the plugin to the author of sgf2dg for possible inclusion in the CPAN distribution.

sgf2dg/Dg2SL last edited by maruseru on February 11, 2007 - 11:19
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