Sente no Gote

    Keywords: Go term

Chinese: 先中后 (先中後) xiān zhōng hòu
Japanese: 先手の後手 (sente no gote)
Korean: -

Sente no gote is a Japanese go term that refers to a play that appears to be sente, but is really gote. It is normally bad play.


Sente no gote  

This example comes from [ext] here.

B1 looks like sente, since it forces W4. However, after W2 - W4 Black has to come back and protect the corner with B5. B1 is sente no gote.

Correct move  

The correct move would be to play B1 here instead, since it is (probably) sente, because it makes a Black move at a work. Some would call B1 here gote no sente.

Linguistic note on Chinese

The term 先中后 (xiān zhōng hòu) is often translated as sente no gote, and the example above qualifies as a 先中后. However, 先中后 actually describes a move that is sente for the moment, but leaves behind weaknesses or aji that require patching up later, so 先中后 has a usage broader than sente no gote.

tobakudan: Sente no gote is a Japanese phrase (先手の後手). Are you sure the Chinese is often translated as a Japanese phrase? I don't know how to read that Chinese, but I am positive that it does not say sente no gote

See also

Sente no Gote last edited by tobakudan on May 26, 2014 - 03:21
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