SL History

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A brief history of Senseis Library.

The very beginning of SL can be found on, where there were at a period several posts about 'the ultimate Go site'. One of the results of this discussion was to set up a mailing list ( The discussion about what to put on such a site and how it could be managed lasted a few weeks but eventually dropped off.

A while afterwards, Arno mentioned that a Wiki may be a good basis to present SL on. We looked at the wikis out there and there was a discussion about how/what and a refinement of our ideas and in May 2000 Arno had set up a wiki which we used to discuss the GoWiki. (The name Sensei's Library just happened to be used once and then stuck with us.)

The Gowiki as you see it today is the result of me prodding and suggesting and being awkward, with Arno doing all the hard work - Arno ended up doing the vast majority of the coding. In the summer of 2000 we defined most of the basic ways we thought the wiki should allow navigating and editing and created the diagram interpreting code.

In September 2000, the Gowiki as you see it now was started, although it was empty to begin with, and the Path function wasn't there yet.

We started to fill SL with various pages to set up a starting structure and to have some content to lure contributors with, and in mid-Novermber, the GoWebmasters mailing list was asked to have a look at SL as it was. The first contributions from 'real' users therefore date from November 2000.

I will have to look for the date, but SL was then also advertised on the newsgroup a bit later, in January 2001.

Since then, the number of contributors has grown slowly but steadily.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

-- Morten Pahle

Page number milestones:

To see what Sensei's Library looked like in February 2001 -[ext]

See also:

SL History last edited by bugcat on February 6, 2024 - 01:46
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