Reduction techniques

    Keywords: MiddleGame, Index page

The following are techniques for reducing or limiting a framework and may lead to middle game joseki. In the absence of the particularities of the corner, most haengma will apply here, but on the other hand, as there is a larger number of stones on the board already at this stage, direction of play and whole board thinking applies all the more.

In all these reference diagrams, one should think of the black stone as belonging to some kind of framework.

Shoulder hit

Shoulder hit  

W1, diagonally approaching a stone on the third line, is known as a shoulder hit. Black has several options for dealing with this move, the most important of which are a and b. Playing elsewhere is generally a bad idea in this situation.

Capping play

TwoSpaceCap Knight's move cap Large knight's move cap
Capping plays  

W1, approaching a stone on the third line from above, is known as a capping play. Common responses include the circled points. Ignoring this move is less serious for black than ignoring a shoulder hit.

Approach joseki


The approach W1 is common when dealing with a stone on the fourth line. There is a wide variety of answers (as indicated by the circled points) according to context, however there are set sequences.

Reduction techniques last edited by Dieter on December 9, 2012 - 14:49
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