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My name is Rui Mendes and I am Portuguese. I recently discovered Go. Reread the rules in October and played a few games since then. I heard about Go in 1998 in a french magazine called Jeux & Stratégie but didn't go further than that.

Unfortunately, there are almost no players of Go in Portugal. There are a few but for now the only ones I know about are in Lisbon, which is 350 kms away. I am overwhelmed by the game and wish to learn more. I will probably do so after I finish my PhD.

If someone knows of Go players in or near Braga or Porto, please tell me!

If you wish, you can look at my page at [ext] http://www.di.uminho.pt/~azuki

rcm last edited by ArnoHollosi on April 25, 2004 - 15:41
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