Query On Maintaining Influence

  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Opening, Strategy, Question

On the page 3-4 point with parallel 3-3 point, BlueWyvern posts a diagram of the following opening:

White san-san and facing komoku counter  

My question is this: Is there any alternative to Black 11 at the area around a? The connection at B9, while necessary, feels very small for the ninth move of the game. Since it serves to primarily build influence, it feels like a white play at a would crush the power of those three stones (and make it imperative for Black to start running).

I haven't played this exact sequence, but I've had a number of similar scenarios, and after White a, I'm stuck for a response. Thanks in advance for any feedback you can offer.

-- Scartol

This type of questions needs one answer: your repository at gobase. I'll have a look myself. --Dieter

Bill: First, B9 is not necessary. Your instincts are good. Even though this is joseki, it favors White on an empty board.

Over 20 years ago Janice Kim told me that Korean pros would sometimes tenuki instead of playing B11 around a. Then, if White played a pincer around there, they would make a two space jump to b.

However, on this board I think it would be unwise to allow W a - B b.

Alternative extension  

Charles Matthews Once you connect solidly, you really have to stabilise a group on the left side. If you're unwilling to spend that time, better to omit B9 in the previous diagram.

One can extend to B1 here for greater efficiency: the other plays at a, b and c are good too. It is also possible to play in the direction of d and then extend back next play. Any of Black a to f seems reasonable.

Another idea  

Stefan: This is not exactly an answer to your question, but one thing you could consider is going for a nadare variation with B7 instead. This joseki fits well in the overall context: Black has something working with the B1-B3 nirensei, and the low position of W2 makes any white or black play around a less interesting.

Query On Maintaining Influence last edited by BillSpight on March 31, 2003 - 17:05
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