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Hey there, Im 18 years old and currently a 8k on KGS. I started playing in november 2003 and took a three months break in the fall of 2004.

I live in NYC and was part of Stuyvesant HS GO club. I will be attending Binghamton University and will also be an active part of their GO club.

Although I am pretty weak, I think I can help 18k+ on their games. If you are a beginner, you can find me at rooms->social->metropolitan GO alliance and Ill gladly share my limited knowledge of GO with you.

currently Im mentoring neji in the KGSmentoringscheme I am in need of a mentor though :( if you can help me get stronger drop me a message here! If you are 15k+ and wish to receive T games and reviews from me, simply message me in KGS =)

messages for qiankun:

people who helped me get stronger:
lloyd <- very helpful and patient person.
Akamaru <- top rival, has a great passion for the game
antimatter <- member of HS GO club, helped me with my earlier games.

qian's weekly "get strong in GO"

to win games, you need to 'get strong' in invasions >:) instead of playing sente life on the square. One should always grab invasion opportunities, as shown by the circled move.

This is just a joke  

qiankun last edited by Phelan on October 31, 2006 - 06:05
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