Proposed World Team Go Championship


Steve: I was kicking this idea around, and was wondering if anyone in positions of semi-authority in their country's go association could tell me if they'd be interested in the following proposed team tournament. Effectively, it's a 7-player team tournament, with each country entering one team. Team tournament here meaning board 1 vs board 1, etc. etc.

The draw each year is based on previous years' results to increase likelihood of reasonable matches between countries (almost a team McMahon tournament, but no handicaps).

Obviously we'd probably have to play it on a Go server to start with, but if it takes off, potentially Teams in Europe could make a trip of it, or play team games at the EGC, etc.

If this doesn't display interest as a world event, what would the feeling about a European Team Tournament like this to be held each year at the EGC?

Update: I see there is a European Team Go Championship? - 2005 results at [ext], but there countries can enter multiple teams, and you get points for each game (so a 4-1 team victory is better than a 3-2 victory), while for the format I'm suggesting victory margins in team matches aren't important.

IanDavis: There is also a proposal to have a european internet team tournament. It was floated at this years AGM, but I don't know what anyone thought of it.

Steve OK, there is no prize money, so based on DrStraw's comments (see Discussion sub-page) let's not involve national organizations. Who thinks that they can organize 7 players to play for the honor of their country. In all cases, the strongest 7 players on the national rating list that are willing to play will be used if more than 7 players wish to play.

Interested countries

(Please say who you are when you add your country's name.)

South Africa - Steve

Proposed World Team Go Championship last edited by SteveKroon on August 8, 2005 - 16:27
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