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salve a tutti!

mi chiamo lorenzo e da poco ho conosciuto questo magnifico gioco che mi ha permesso non solo di divertirmi in modo intelligente ma anche di conoscere nuova gente e di approfondire le mie amicizie con la gente che gi� conoscevo

ho appena creato il mio account su questo server e non ho molto tempo per scrivere adesso quindi per il momento chiunque trover� questa pagina se la dovr� sorbire in italiano senza (sigh!!!) alcuna traduzione, ne inglese, ne aramaico, ne niente! ma spero che nei prossimi giorni possiate trovare qualche cosa di pi�!

ah... un'ultima cosa: questa pagina sar� una specie di blog (si dice cos� non � vero?) sulle mie avventure goistiche e non solo

a presto%%%

I finally decided to add some info about me in english.
I am Lorenzo and I`m Italian. I live in Manchester, and i study physics, even though without much success... I'm still 3rd year BSC and already 23!!%%%

This page will be my go-blog: I will write here the most important news related to my go-life and my progress in this great game. I`ve never played in a tournament therefore I haven't got any official rank, so if I say I am 15k i mean that I have that rank on KGS... Actually I often play there with my Italian sensei Stefano (I could never thank you enough!).

Bye L.

some news on the 17th jan 2005

hallo everybody!!!

just to let you know, here are some links:

[ext] --- my personal home page

[ext] --- my go club in italy

[ext] --- my go club in england

see you soon!

7th mar 2005

hello guys

my go club in italy is going to do a tournament near Udine (north est of italy) at the beginning of june (4th and 5th) if you wanna go this is the link:


I`m sorry but my friends didnt bother to translate it into english :-(

anyway, there are the most of the info you need:

4th - 11:30 registration
4th - 12:30 starts first round
5th - 8:30 starts fourth round
5th - 14:30 prizes and closing cerimonies

McMahon system 5 turns/60 min
Byo-yomi 1 move/ 30 sec, Komi 6.5

5 euro if preregistrated (just send a mail) before the 22nd May or 7 euro if not


the only hotel in the area my friends could find was the hotel "La Pergola"... i donno anything about it, send a mail for more detailed infos


10th mar

here it is the link to the page on the tournament organized by my italian go club in english:


see ya

first of april

hallo guys%%% I`m back in manchester, I`ve been in italy since yesterday for easter, i met my family and my friends, that was nice! and i met my italian go sensei! he is 7 kyu; even he started playing go just one week before me he is already my sensei... what a bad player I am! I`m still 15k!!%%% anyway, I`ll try to play a little more now, i havent plaied for ages now and I forgot a lot, two months ago I was almost 11k... so I`ll be around in kgs, if you wish :-) to help me to catch up some strenght and chat for a while, well, just contact me there, you should guess my nick%%%

profeta last edited by MarkD on June 14, 2007 - 10:49
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