Potential Territory


In the opening and middle game, we usually talk about territorial framework or moyo. Towards the endgame we must take into account that one side may have more potential territory than the other. To do this accurately, we need to calculate the miai value of the positions, i.e. the current count.


In the top left White can push through at A, destroying most of Black's potential territory. On the left side, Black has some potential points, which White can take away by placement tactics. On the right side both have potential territory, depending on who gets to play first.

Black has more potential territory in this position but not all of it should be counted as territory that will materialize, since White can take away much of it in sente. Since White has sente now, she can do so and then turn to the right side.

A rule of thumb is to count potential territory as half of its actual potential. This assumes gote everywhere though and the best method, though time consuming, is still to calculate the count according to miai endgame analysis.

Potential Territory last edited by Dieter on November 22, 2023 - 11:21
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