OpenStudyRoom (version 2)


The Open Study Room

The [ext] open study room (OSR) is a KGS room where people play, study and teach go in a friendly environment. There, players of all ranks are welcome to share their go knowledge and passion, to ask stronger users to review your games, or to answer a specific question.


Believing that playing long serious games with review at the end is a very good way to improve at go, the Open Study Room runs a [ext] league system to encourages players to do so. Since both activity and skills are rewarded, everyone can enjoy playing there.

A community

OSR is run by very few volunteers who are doing their best to keep the Open Study Room a friendly, community driven place.

OSR have it's own forum and a discord server to allow people socialising, reviewing game with audio, seting up events and taking decisions by vote.


The Open Study Room is a place to study go. Reviewing league games is strongly encourage and discord allow easy audio review.

Thanks to the support of [ext] OSR teachers, OSR set up more or less 3 teaching events per month since its creation (see [ext] OSR calendar).


OSR have it own website running a league system, a forum and a blog. It is powered by django and writen in python. All code is free open source (GNU GPL) and everyone is welcome to report bugs or help implement new features in this [ext] github.

The idea of this coding project is to build a tool for any online go community to organise and set up a league system.

OpenStudyRoom (version 2) last edited by climu on May 22, 2017 - 09:51
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