Notochord/Go Blog

Sub-page of Notochord

This is where Notochord bides some time.

21/09/03 After trying to cut down on some of the bad aspects of my go 'process', I think I am beginning to find out that I have no real understanding whatever as to what constitutes a good move. While 3 months have apparently made me into a 4k (I just recently got back to having an account after playing many anonymous games), it surely seems that a good part of the rating comes from overtenacity than from solid skill. This seems corroborated by my record my real-world go club, where I seem to measure rather more poorly in a mode of play that is calmer and more careful than what I have found on the servers. So, it certainly seems I should get a better idea of technique, and not leap so unflinchingly into fighting. That, as well as eliminating some of the nasty habits in reading that develop when time is constrained, is maybe my best guess for progress.

All these issues of shape and frameworks and so forth, to which I have only given passing acknowledgement in the past, are actually quite interesting now that I am trying to think of them more routinely, rather than throwing overplays into a fight that is, more often than not, unwisely begun.

12/09/03 Blog Blog Blog. I am sure that the relatively amusing nature of this term has been commented upon enough before, by others more skilled in the language of www than I, so I shall refrain from that. Infatuation with the word shall be my only excuse should this page amount to little more than a ghost town. (I will of course be counting one occupant of this page as a success, though others should feel free to say anything within the bounds of decency in this space).

I suppose that this will mostly be a track of progress. My Go is quite rough as of now and I am eager to see how quickly it can improve if I apply myself to the task (as much as I am willing to...).

Blog Begins. Meaningful Content to follow.

Notochord/Go Blog last edited by Confused on September 22, 2003 - 15:15
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