New Go Proverbs Illustrated


New Go Proverbs Illustrated
By: Milton Bradley
Publisher: Yutopian

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Table of Contents

  1. To attack, play away; to defend, play close
  2. Answer contact with hane
  3. The "Knight's Move," key to attack and defense
  4. Live in gote, die in sente
  5. Avoid enclosures
  6. Connectivity wins games
  7. Sector lines are key to attack & defense
  8. Be first to play in front of a shimari
  9. "The five liberty criterion"
  10. To extend, jump!
  11. The third line has special properties
  12. Don't peep if a cut succeeds
  13. Capture the cutting stone(s)!
  14. Capture a ladder as soon as feasible
  15. Abandon stones with poor prospects ASAP
  16. Use thickness for attack, not territory
  17. Stay away from thickness
  18. Urgent moves before big moves!
  19. "Good shape" is the key to victory
  20. Invade if feasible, otherwise reduce
  21. Reduce opponent's territory early
  22. Conserve your aji
  23. Think globally, not just locally
  24. Seek multi-purpose moves
  25. Flexibility wins games!
  26. Appendix 1 - Glossary of Key Japanese Go Terms
  27. Appendix 2 - Ratings and Handicaps

Sample Material

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New Go Proverbs Illustrated last edited by on December 1, 2010 - 17:03
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