Nerai examples

    Keywords: Strategy, Go term

Here are some examples of nerai and its verb form, nerau.

I (Bill) expect that some SL readers may be puzzled. On the nerai page there is a lot of discussion about the meaning and translation of an unfamiliar go term. I thought that some examples might help people get an idea of what is being talked about. :-)

As John Fairbairn points out, nerai/nerau is a fairly common Japanese go term. It occurs four times, for instance, in Go Seigen's commentary on his first game in Now I Would Play This Way: Go Seigen looks back at 18 games (Go Seigen: Omoide no 18 Kyoku: Ima Nara Ko Utsu). I thought that various examples from that book in different contexts would be of help. :-)

(Note to other deshis: Since the purpose of this page is to illustrate discussion, please move any discussion, except possibly for a few brief comments, to the nerai page, or start a new one. Thanks. Additional examples are welcome, OC. :-))

kmr - next 4 examples are from game Hashimoto Utaro 4dan - Go Seigen 1928/09/04 B+6.

Example 1 (Game 1, p. 11.)

Moves 13 - 14  

My translation follows. How I rendered nerau is in italics.

"If W14 is the one space jump at a, Black will probably protect at b and aim at an intrusion into White's top side position."

The phrase with nerau in it is, "Johen no shiro ye no shinnyu wo nerau desho."

Example 2 (p. 13)

Variation at move 18  

My translation: "If White sinks roots on the right side with W1 - W3 and targets the black+circle stone, the progression up to B10 comes to mind, but then White will probably be too busy."

Phrase with nerau: "black+circle isshi wo nerau no wa".

Example 3 (p. 22)

Move 101  

"So at this time B1 is quite obvious. It is clear that it covers White's number one target, the peep at a."

"Shiro no ichiban no nerai de aru A no nozoki".

Example 4 (p. 23)

Move 115  

"Black advances up to B5, and targets the customary Black oki at a."

"Rei no kuro A to oku te wo neratte imasu."

Bill: Many thanks to John Fairbairn for a few pointers. :-) Any inaccuracies are mine.

BobMcGuigan: Here's an example of the use of nerai from a Japanese book on countering large moyos. It comes up in the context of discussion of White's invasion at W1 in the following diagram:

19x19 diagram  

Black has just played black+square and White responds with the invasion at W1.

Now suppose Black defends the corner with B1 in the next diagram and pushes White toward his thickness, White attaches with W2 and plays the double hane of W4:

19x19 diagram  

The moves B1 and B3 in the next diagram are recommended as "strongest", denying White a straightforward life, but W4 is described as nerai no kikashi.

19x19 diagram  

If Black connects at B5 White plays W6, a ladder break, and if Black plays around the point labelled a he will probably capture the right side but White b, destroying Black's center moyo, at one stroke makes the game favorable for White.


RobertJasiek: From the examples, I see some contexts where nerai is used but I learn nothing what nerai actually is. Can there please be examples explaining the latter? If nerai is translated with words like 'threat', then I also want to see examples for threats that are versus are not nerai and why.

CD: Not sure how I ended up here but Michael Redmond has an entire book based on his NHK lectures on the nerai of tesuji: レドモンドの狙え!戦いの手筋. There, nerai is spelled 狙え, as opposed to the main page which I believe uses hiragana for the second sound (happens in other words too).

Nerai examples last edited by kmr on August 26, 2021 - 18:28
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